2016 Aquatechnex on Moses Lake

MLIRD 2024 Aquatic Treatments

Moses Lake treatments will take place the week of July 8, 2024

With any questions or concerns please contact:

AquaTechnex at (509) 939-0631

Please Click HERE for the 2024 Treatment Map

Phase One Info


2022 Aquatic Treatments

Moses Lake visual survey work for 2022 aquatic treatments took place the week of June 1st

Moses Lake treatments will take place on July 6th & 7th, 2022

With any questions or concerns please contact:  AquaTechnex at (509) 960-8133

Click HERE for more 2022 Aquatic Treatments General Information

Click HERE for Treatment Map

2021 Aquatic Treatments

Moses Lake visual survey work for 2021 aquatic treatments is planned for the week of June 1st.

Moses Lake Phase 1 treatments will take place the week of July 5th, 2021.

Check here often for updates & additional details.

Click HERE for more 2021 Aquatic Treatments General Information

2020 Aquatic Treatments

Moses Lake visual survey work for 2020 aquatic treatments is planned for the week of June 1st.

Survey associated treatments are planned for the week of June 21st. Click HERE to view Phase One Treatment Map.

Check here often for updates & additional details.

Click HERE for more 2020 Aquatic Treatments General Information

2019 Aquatic Treatments

Click HERE for June 20th Treatment Areas

Click HERE for June 25th & 26th Treatment Areas

Procellacor treatment scheduled for July 10th.

Click HERE for more 2019 Aquatic Treatments General Information

2018 Aquatic Treatments

2018 survey work to map Phragmites and confirm areas for use in notification and treatment planning within the Phase One effort begins on the first Monday in June.

Phase 1 treatments are scheduled to take place June 25th, 26th, and 27th. VIEW TREATMENT MAP

June 25th: Middle Parker Horn (west of Stratford Rd.) June 26th: Wild Goose, Laguna, & Cove West areas.June 27th: Lower & Upper Parker Horn (east of Stratford Rd.), Cascade Valley, and Pelican Horn areas.

Click HERE for more 2018 Aquatic Treatments General Information

Click HERE for 2018 Phase 1 Treatment Areas

2017 Aquatic Treatments

During the week of May 29th, MLIRD will be coordinating with HAB Aquatic Solutions for the application of Aluminum Sulfate (Alum), within the Montlake section of Pelican Horn on Moses Lake. Alum treatment is somewhat an emerging technology for Moses Lake and may be a useful tool in future efforts to lessen the availability of phosphorus in the water column as a vital algae nutrient.

On June 19, 2017, Phase 1 project setup underway.   

On June 20, 2017, treatments occur in the following order: upper Pelican Horn (east & west shore); middle Pelican (west shore); Pelican south of I-90 (west shore); Goat Island area; Parker Horn north of I-90 (east shore); Parker Horn (near fountain); Cascade Valley (NW section). 

On June 21, 2017, Phase 1 treatments conclude with the following areas treated in order: Cove West; Wild Goose; Parker Horn (west shore); Laguna area, South End (launch area); upper Parker Horn (dredge area). See treatment zones link below for location detail.

On August 16, 2017, Phase 2 treatments begin with shoreline emergent aquatic plants to control Phragmites and Purple Loosestrife. A team with backpack sprayers will primarily be spraying plants out of the water. There are no water use restrictions resulting from this treatment. See Map

On August 24, 2017 as part of Phase 2, treatments of additional submerged vegetation targeted for the east side of Pelican Horn south of I-90, and Wild Goose areas will take place. See treatment zones link below for location detail.

Click HERE for 2017 Aquatic Treatments General Information

Click HERE for 2017 Phase 1 Treatment Zones

Click HERE for 2017 Phase 2 Treatment Zones

2016 and prior years

In the summer months of last year, irrigation water flows entered into Moses Lake through Crab Creek and discharged through the South Dam. That extra incoming water flow was very helpful in refreshing Moses Lake during the summer of 2015. Maintenance was required on that canal system this year, so those additional water flows were not available for Moses Lake during the summer of 2016. We will once again engage in aquatic treatments of Moses Lake and also have a greater harvester presence on the lake during the summer of 2016.

Click HERE for 2016 Phase 1 Treatment Zones

Click HERE for 2016 Phase 1 Treatment Map

Click HERE for 2016 Phase 2 Treatment Map

Click HERE for Blue-Green Algae Facts

Related Sites:

Alum Treatments

2015 - Phase Two plan below

For More Info on 2015 Weed Treatments CLICK HERE


2015 - Phase One plan below

For More Info on 2015 Weed Treatments CLICK HERE

Collaborations Benefit Area Lakes

A unique set of new inter-local agreements between MLIRD, three state agencies, the Grant County Noxious Weed Control Board (GCNWCB), City of Moses Lake and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, are expected to result in dramatic reductions of noxious invasive plants this summer. The overall goal is to eliminate rapidly spreading infestations of invasive aquatic plants, especially Phragmites, Purple Loosestrife and Yellow Flag Iris in Moses Lake and upstream in Soap, Park, Alkali, Blue and Lenore Lakes. Inaction is not an option.

Unless brought under control, and considered to be “of utmost urgency” by experts, invasive species will continue migrating to Moses Lake and seriously inhibit boating, fishing and other recreation activities. Because multiple agencies have responsibilities for the aquatic habitat along the Moses Lake shoreline, as well as other public lands further upstream, an interlocal agreement and a control plan were outlined during inter-agency meetings in May 2010

In partnership with the state Departments of Natural Resources (DNR), Fish and Wildlife (DFW) and Ecology (ECY), this collaborative venture will help implement existing MLIRD and Weed Board plans while also expanding upon a successful pilot project completed in 2010.

With $75,000 in grant funding from Ecology, plus various in-kind contributions from DNR and the other partners, the total project cost is estimated at $104,000. Synchronized operations helped secure the grant money, which in turn represents significant savings to the District in time and labor costs. Results will be obvious in easier water access, better swimming, boating and fishing conditions, plus protection of adjacent shoreline property values.

Second $75,000 Grant follows 97% Success in Milfoil Eradication

MLIRD has received a second $75,000 (*) grant from the Department of Ecology for the Milfoil project set to resume in July. This new grant reflects the 97% eradication success rate in approximately 300 acres tackled last year, and helps reduce rate payer costs for the three-year contract the District signed with Lakeland Restoration Services (LRS) for aquatic herbicide treatment of invasive Eurasian Water Milfoil.

Also in 2010, in a strategic “pilot project” to save time and expense, the District initiated an inter-local partnership agreement with GCNWB and the Department of Ecology to attack Yellow Flag Iris, Purple Loosestrife and Phragmites, also extremely invasive noxious weeds. Treated by LRS during the same week, this 3-species treatment tactic reduced paperwork and labor costs, which serves the wider community more efficiently by combining services.

(*) In addition to $104,000 project.