This page is dedicated to those involved with the Moses Lake Clean Lakes Project. The Moses Lake work produced 12 Master of Science graduates in the 70s and 80s, and four went on for PhDs! The goal of the 'Clean Lakes Project' was restoring the lake from a highly nutrient enriched hypereutrophic state to mesotrophic with much-improved water quality. The Clean Lakes Project involved numerous individuals and various agencies, all with a common goal of identifying and addressing the issues associated with Moses Lake water quality. This project is an important part of Moses Lake history and will be made available as voluminous hard-copy data is converted for access via the web for others to read and enjoy. 

The Moses Lake Dilution Project Summary Report

Columbia River flow effect on Parker Horn

Eugene B. Welch, Limnologist & Prof. Emeritus, University of Washington

Here is what Moses Lake looked like in summer 1968. The floating scum is a blue-green alga which is also known as cyanobacteria. They are buoyant and therefore form scums at times. The blue-green algae conditions largely went away with the Clean Lakes Project when low nutrient Columbia River dilution water was introduced into Moses Lake reducing phosphorus concentrations. Courtesy: Dr. Eugene Welch, University of Washington.

Historical Tidbits

U.S. Geological Survey

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

Feed Route Information

Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife

Moses Lake Fishery Restoration Reports